Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A teachers tale...

Today Justin's teacher came over to me to share a conversation she had with him a few days ago. She senses my nervous response & assures me it's okay. She tells her story...the other day she paused & looked at my son. She said "What is your let me guess. It's JUSTINE, correct?". He replies "No". The teacher then responds with a confused expression. She ponders & thinks a bit. She throws some other names through her thoughts. She finally replies "Oh, well what is your name?". He replies with "just Justin". She thought is was so cute & I agree. I have so many of these moments I could probably start a separate blog & title it as, "kids say the cutest things".


Amalia said... where's the blog Jody? Ha!
Super cute!

Vicki Singleton said...

That is so sweet!